The benefits of blue light glasses have been discussed at length over recent years, especially for those who work in front of screens for long hours. The theory is that the blue light wavelengths emitted from screens can cause eye fatigue and headaches. While there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, some people find that blue light blocking glasses minimise these symptoms and even assist in helping to feel refreshed after sitting in front a screen all day.
What is blue light?
Blue light is a colour that human eyes can seen, that is in the visible light spectrum. It produces higher amounts of energy as it is a short wavelength.
In contrast to other light forms, the eyes are said to be unable to effectively filter blue light. This means more can pass through the eye and into the retina. The retina is responsible for converting this light, which enters the eye into electrical signals. It then sends this information to your brain via the optic nerve, which enables you to see.
Artificial blue light is said to affect your circadian rhythm; your body’s 24 hour internal clock that controls your sleeping and waking cycle. This is one of the reasons as to why using technological devices such as a phone just before going to sleep is not a healthy option.
Moderate amounts of blue light can:
Improve mood, memory, cognitive function and alertness
Help to regulate your circadian rhythm
Too much blue light can be detrimental for us as, it can suppress the release of melatonin (our hormone needed for sleep) which might result in:
Sleeping issues such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
Reduction in our alertness the following day
Eye strain
Blue light glasses benefits
The proposed benefits of using blue light glasses is that they help to reduce strain on your eyes from looking at a screen (ie. computer) for long periods. However, There is seems to be a lack of high quality evidence to suggest that blue light glasses actually do alleviate eye fatigue, increase visual performance or conserve macular health (1,2). This doesn’t deter many individuals who still report that they have experienced the benefits of blue light blocking glasses. If you already own a pair, you may as well give them a try to see if they work for you, as it is fine to keep wearing them – they won’t damage your eyes.

Types of blue light glasses
There are a few different types of blue light glasses on the market. Some glasses have a yellow tint that is supposed to help block blue light. Others have special coatings that claim to reflect or absorb blue light. You can even purchase blue tinted prescription glasses.
Daytime blue-light glasses (that actually have a clear lens)
These are used throughout the day when you are exposed to artificial blue light. Whilst they appear to have a clear lens, depending on the brand they filter between 5 – 50 % of the blue light that you see. These glasses are recommended to be used when working inside.
Night time Blue-light glasses (that are actually red)
The premise of these blue light blocking glasses are that they are to be worn, at night time once it gets dark. These red glasses are alleged to work by blocking the wavelengths (from harmful light), that supress Melatonin – our sleep hormone. In doing so, they are meant to improve your sleep cycle and quality of sleep.
The best blue light glasses are the ones that fit your needs the best. If you find that you are experiencing eye fatigue or headaches after working with screens, give blue light glasses a try – many people have reported benefits from wearing them.
When to wear blue light glasses?
Blue light is emitted from LEDs, electrical appliances, computer screens, fluorescent lights and mobile phones. This means anytime you are looking doing a task that involves looking at these electrical devices it is worth wearing them. Considering many of us sit at a computer for 8 hours straight, it is okay to wear them throughout the entire time.
Blue light glasses test
Blue Block Glasses have a simple way to test your blue light glasses online and see the difference for yourself, check it out here
How to clean blue light glasses
If you are wondering how to clean blue light glasses, it is fairly simple.
Rinse the glasses in warm water
Apply a small amount of dish soap and wash in a circular motion on the lenses. Use a cotton swab if you need to get into all the crevices.
Rinse the soap and use a microfiber cloth to dry and polish.
Eyeglass cleaner or anything with a high concentration of acid is not recommended to be used, as it may permanently damage your the lenses of the blue light glasses.
Just remember extremely hot or cold temperatures can damage frames too, so make sure to only use water that is lukewarm.

Good habits for reducing blue light exposure
It might be time to introduce other ways for reducing blue light exposure. These methods will also help you combat the eyestrain caused by screen fatigue.
Take dedicated, and frequent breaks!
I know it sounds simple, but how many of us commonly take frequent breaks when sitting in front of a computer? It can be extremely helpful to go for a walk outside, try some stretches (we recommend a few here) and minimise your screen time. This might also give you a fresh idea or two, just from being away from your desk.
Try hobbies that don’t involve screens
Instead of playing a video game after a day working at the computer, you could try a hobby that doesn’t involve the use of a screen. Baking, running, catching up with friends or playing the guitar are all great substitutes for screen time.
Avoid screens before bedtime
Try instilling a new habit for reducing blue light exposure by avoiding screens two to three hours before bed time.
Eye Care
Dry eyes can be caused by sitting in front of a screen for long periods. Try some eye drops for dry eyes next time you feel like you have dry eyes.
It is important to look after your vision health, as it contributes to your overall health and wellbeing. Changing your habits, whether this involves blue light glasses can be a pivotal factor to improving your wellbeing.
Turn on your devices ‘blue light filter’
Most operating systems on phones and many computers have a ‘blue light filter’ mode these days. Different phones might be called ‘night shift’ or ‘night mode’, and if your unable to find yours try searching it online.
These modes help to display a warmer hue and reduce your blue light exposure. This can be especially useful before bedtime.