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Working from home can be a great way to save time and money, but it can also be difficult to stay productive. It’s easy to get distracted by the TV, internet or by just taking a break to relax. But with a few simple office exercises, you can stay productive all day long! In this blog post, we discuss easy office stretches and exercises that you can do to help you stay focused and remain energised.

The importance of stretching at work
It is pivotal to keep the body moving in order to maintain productivity throughout the day. Studies have shown that stretching in the office can lead to increased productivity. This is because stretching helps to reduce tiredness by increasing the amount of nutrients and blood supplied to muscles. When we sit for long periods of time, our muscles start to tighten and we can get fidgety. By stretching, we reduce fatigue and loosen our muscles, which in turn reduces the risk of injury which may occur from sitting for long periods.
Taking a few minutes to complete office stretches every couple of hours can make a big difference in your productivity levels and help relieve any tension that you may be feeling. In addition, a foam roller can be useful to alleviate muscle soreness and improve circulation, as well as a ‘spikey’ or trigger ball to massage out any knots.
Office stretches
Shoulder shrugs – raise your shoulders towards your ears and roll them both backwards six times. Now roll them forwards, in the opposite direction six times.
Neck stretch – Seated, use your right hand to grab the side of the seat whilst the left gently tilts your head to the left. You should feel a slight pull up the right side of your neck. Hold this for 30 seconds and then swap sides.
Chest stretch – Standing upright interlock both hands behind your back, lifting your head to look at the spot that the wall meets the roof and focus on opening and stretching out your chest.
Torso stretch – Place your right leg over your left leg and turn to the right side, ensuring your left elbow is slightly pushing against your right knee and right arm leaning on the chair behind. You should feel a slight stretch up the right side of your torso. Hold this for 30 seconds and then switch sides.
Quad stretch – Standing upright, with the same arm as leg, hold your ankle behind your back. You should feel a stretch through the front part of your leg. Hold this for 30 seconds, and then switch sides.
Hip stretch – While seated, place your right ankle onto your left knee and gently lean forward and hold for thirty seconds and then switch sides. You should feel this in your hip as well as glute.
Office exercises
Walking – Get up and walk around the office or around the house for a few minutes every hour or so. This will help you get your blood flowing and will also give you a chance to take a break from work.
Yoga – There are many yoga poses that you can do in the office. These exercises will help you improve your flexibility whilst assisting you to relax.
Doing an extensive workout during the day can be beneficial however if you just want to increase your heart rate a little without breaking much of a sweat, these cardio exercises are perfect…

It can be hard to remember to take a break and do some stretching or exercise, so setting a timer can be helpful. Set a timer for every hour or two and when it goes off, take a few minutes to do some of these office exercises. If you struggle to remember to set an alarm, many smart watches such as an apple watch, have a pre-programmed “movement” reminder which can be set once and forgotten.
You could also try using these phone apps to direct your office workout:
Office workout – Exercises at your office desk by OHealthApps studio
7 minutes workout by Simple Design Ltd
100 Office Workouts by Darabee (comes as free ebook or app)
“The 100 Office Workouts book is a collection of no-equipment illustrated easy-to-follow routines specifically designed for workplace conditions allowing you to exercise during work regardless of the time and space available and regardless of the office attire”
Doing these exercises will help you stay productive all day long. So next time you’re feeling sluggish at work, try getting up and moving around for a few minutes. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel!